sprite of wayne in his 'fem' outfit from hylics 2 standing stoically

It's Wayne! He's just some guy, to be honest. And he's very.. chill? In the first game, his dialogue is basically "yeah," "nah man, nah," and "whatev," in response to questions, and is mostly silent for the rest of the game. He takes on a more formal tone in Hylics 2 (along with the rest of the characters), but still retains this nonchalantness. Aside from this, he's basically up to interpretation.

To me, Wayne is very tragic. Throughout the story he seems very casual about the fact he has to save the world (twice). In the song “An Endless Cycle,” and later in “The Champion of Ennui / Into the Pastel Sky,” it’s revealed that he feels trapped by this. He was made to do this, but he doesn’t want to. What he wants in life is to screw around and eat burritos and have jam sessions with his friends. He wants to rest. Yet he has no choice; he must stop Gibby at all costs, over and over again. And so it continues.

Uh, sorry, did I project too hard? I used to project on Wayne a LOT when I was really into Hylics. There's just something about him and that cycle of his that I can really relate to. Doing the job over and over again becaause you have to, in order to survive? Yeah. Okay.

When I first found out that Wayne was just one member of an entire species of Waynes (or a hivemind? not exactly clear), I didn't really care for it. It made him seem like less of an individual. After a while, though, it really grew on me, especially since it made for interesting character motivation (something about wanting to be different, not fitting into the role you're born into). Also because what the hell man. You were born a larva? That's fucking awesome!

Headcanons: Transgender. Super transgender. Doesn't even matter which way (transfem, transmasc, enby, agender etc), though I'm biased towards transmasculine. ;) Can play other instruments besides the guitar. Hylics 2 Wayne is the same one from the original Hylics.

Fun Facts: His starting weapon in Hylics is a pistol with no bullets. 'Wayne gets tonsil stone.' He is the band's guitarist. Ambiguosly dead/not present after the events of Hylics 2.